Andoni Barrenechea

santa rosa city, laguna, Philippines

Andoni Barrenechea
  • 29 Artworks for sale
  • 6 Artworks sold
  • Member since May 24, 2021
Painting / Drawing


Andoni Barrenechea

Self-taught intuitive artist Andoni Barrenechea sees art in everything. Using various methods and whatever tool is readily hand, he expands his creative range.

He typically paints without having a specific theme; instead, he follows his instincts and feelings.

He enjoys using art to spread awareness and knows that the wealth of artistic expression is endowed with limitless potential.

Q&A with Andoni Barrenechea

  • What's your usual creative process?

    I usually let my mind flow and get along with it. I create as I find inspiration in the beauty of the creation process. Sometimes, I doubt and sabotage myself; I overcome it by being aware of my thoughts and feelings and constantly acknowledging my worth and validation that comes from within. I embrace the moment when creating and giving my best at that time. 

  • What takeaways do you hope people get from your art?

    My art will inspire people to discover their light and potential by staying true to themselves. Even with the rise of AI, which lacks emotional depth and the human soul, nothing compares to the authenticity of personal emotion. Keep creating, learning, and pushing yourself to make art; your soul will just come out naturally. 

  • How would you describe your art in one word? Why?

    I would describe my art as "awakening," as my journey of creation recognizes the darkness and transforms it into the light, revealing my authentic self. Art allows me to express my imagination and keeps me grounded in the present. 

Andoni Barrenechea


Group Exhibitions

  • Abstract Unleashed "A Hopeful Awakening Perspectives"
    356 Gallery Westborough Town Center Silang
  • South Arts Festival Summer Color Art Exhibit
    Fora Mall Tagaytay
  • Artablado Summit Ridge Tagaytay and Ace of Art Organization Inc. presents ArtSpeak a group art exhibition.
    Summit Ridge Tagaytay
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