Keith Mengullo
quezon city, ncr, Philippines
Q&A with Keith Mengullo

Why do you create art?
Creating art is an important part of my well-being. It is a form of comfort, an emotional therapy, a form of relaxation, or sometimes, it is simply a mode of expression.
What does your work aim to say?
What my art represents is my image or perception of something. It aims to convey a message or feeling to the audience, which significantly depends on the artwork’s subject.
Why do you make this type of art?
When it comes to art form and style, pursuing what’s in your heart, what serves your interests, will make you happy and satisfied. Oil paint is my favorite medium. Its texture, the longer time it takes to dry up, and the procedure of mixing oil paint with other oil mediums make the process of creating artworks gratifying. I likewise use acrylic paint depending on the specific texture I aim for an art piece.
How do you make it?
When it comes to beginning an art piece, I am inspired by anything, just as anything can be an art subject. However, it is always choosing a subject that I struggle with. By chance, once I decided on the subject and pick up a paintbrush or a knife palette, it’s a work on progress from then on.
What were the challenges you faced as an artist?
The most challenging experience I faced as an artist was the first time someone bought one of my artworks. It gave an indescribable feeling as if a piece of me has left for good while giving satisfaction and assurance that finally someone could appreciate that piece of artistic creation.
How does FilipinoArt help you?
FilipinoArt is of valuable contribution not only in showcasing and marketing my artworks but, most importantly, in encouraging and developing my identity as an artist. The platform brings out the artist in a person, and that makes a remarkable contribution to Philippine Art.