Nazareth Bordonada
pasig city, ncr, Philippines
Q&A with Nazareth Bordonada
Why do you create art?
The age-old question: why do we create anything? I guess on my part, it's always been about extending what I feel, what I know, and what I discover about myself outward. Art isn't just a hobby anymore; it has become part of my personality, hopes, and dreams. To not create anything would be a betrayal of my soul.
What does your work aim to say?
I tread very lightly on this. At first, I only aim to express myself, but as social media became a tool for us artists, I realized that self-expression also touches and inspires beyond me. My art represents a culmination of my emotions, goals, and dreams to inspire others.
Why do you make this type of art?
I'm a traditional realist oil painter--sadly, a dying breed. I make this type of art so that this genre stays alive--a little something I can hopefully contribute to the bigger scheme of things. People always have wrong misconceptions about oil painting; yes, it's a tough medium, but as soon as you get a hold of it, it's like a dance between your hands, brush, and canvas.
What were some of the challenges you faced as an artist?
I read somewhere that in every 100 paintings you make, only less than five will become good and even a rarer gem if you create a masterpiece. This takes a lot of time and patience as an artist. Being an artist is not just mere talent; it's a skill you have to pour hours and hours of creating and practicing. The end product is not a determination of everything you've poured your heart into but the process of creating art itself.
Group Exhibitions
Revelations (The Holy Art)
London -
Blast (The Holy Art)
London -
In the History (The Artist Lounge)