Nicole Kate Quejada
bustos, bulacan, Philippines

- 3 Artworks for sale
- 1 Follower
- Member since Jun 22, 2021
Nicole Kate is currently a college student. She started acrylic painting in the summer of 2020 when one of her cousins wanted to commission a painting for her bedroom. The only other painting medium she used and well-versed in was watercolor. She also has started creating digital illustrations and graphic design, mainly for organizations at her university.
Her main inspiration is to express and convey a feeling. Sometimes, she gets an image that she wants to get onto paper or on canvas, and she looks up references online that capture aspects of her idea and works from there. Most of her works were inspired by anime and manga, and that's the style she usually emulates in her digital illustrations.
Art has and continues to be a safe space for her to breathe and relax, as much as it is an avenue to express herself.
Artworks for sale
- Acrylic, on Canvas, 7.1w x 9.4h inches S
This piece challenged my eye for value changes, especially in her skin and clothes, and I'm pretty happy with the result. It was also my first acrylic piece using a stretched canvas. My favorite thing about this is the beautiful deep green background and the vibrant yellow petals, as well as the brilliant blue of her clothes. I would love for this piece to find its home, where it can be adored just as much.
₱4,135 - Acrylic, on Canvas, 7.1w x 9.4h inches S
This painting was made after Typhoon Ulysses hit the country, and a couple of days after the second semester of my freshman year became so hectic. It's a chaotically textured piece depicting the conflicting and intense emotions I was feeling. I am particularly enraptured by the mess of blues in the background, the touches of yellow in the hair, and the stripes of blue in the skin. They all come together to make sense.
₱4,250 - Acrylic, on Canvas, Panel, 8w x 10h inches S
He went from shades of purple to yellow to pink to this--the best today.