
By алексей петренко

Longing is unknown. Humanity names it to each his/her own experience, may it be sadness, dependence, or pain, even when actually, it is more than our understanding. Its existence means that the world drove its energies into something magical that we have encountered, making it enough reason to long for.

From someone who made you smile on a smoky afternoon in the train station, to a friend who helped you find a place to move into, to someone who kissed you on a rainy day, these things gave us the euphoria that we wish to experience again, but will never again sometime in the future.

We long for the people who changed our hearts, we long for that same euphoria that made us get by on a bad day, we long because we are human, and of course, we long because we found the kind of love deep enough to shake our core, making things worth living in this vile and unforgiving world.

Andrea Kjaernet
20″x16″ Acrylic on Canvas